Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 8: Is the Semester Half Empty or Half Full?

It is hard to believe we are half way through the semester already.  I imagine that some of you are painfully aware of where we are. . . but either way, I hope you are all learning a lot!

Tonight:  We will revisit the TaskStream narratives in GoogleDocs and have you copy and paste them into TaskStream.  I gave feedback again to those who made revisions. . .there are some of you who did not revise after my comments last week (This should have been completed).  Don't forget that I added links to a couple student narratives in GoogleDocs in last week's journal entry. I will introduce the Excel assignment in class (bring headphones if you have some readily available), and give you some time to work on your Google Sites.  If we have time, I would also like to take a look at your blogs to ensure you are able to embed your assignments, add your links, manage your pages, etc.

201/365 [2010]: Optimist/Pessimist
Originally uploaded by Qasim MirzaI

Journal 6:  I realize you may be having some difficulties with ISTE, so I will offer a new source for the first of the second half of your journal assignments.  "Change Agent," an interview with Will Richardson is from the Education Week's website.  Remember to do your best to use the Citation Machine to generate the necessary APA citation.

NOTE:  I just want to remind everyone that the comments on the weekly blog are part of your attendance/participation grade, even if you are not in class.

This Week's Question: Who has been your favorite/most memorable teacher and why?


  1. I had a few memorable teachers at Palomar that I could mention, however the most wonderful teacher was my daughter's 5th grade teacher. I volunteered in her room and worked with the kids, she was actually the one who inspired me to become a teacher. She had these wonderful units on Colonial days and hosted the entire 5th grade presentation. She provided all the traditional costumes and all the antiques for each trade. I could go on and on, she no only left an impact on me but my daughter too.

  2. My most memorable teacher was my 11th grade teacher Ms. Reed. She was so easy going and funny. She made class really enjoyable. Everthing time we would have to read our novels in class she always picked on me to read. I think she like me too.

  3. My most memorable teacher was my 8th grade history teacher. He made class fun and interesting at the same time. It was at that point that history became one of my favorite subjects.

  4. The most memorable teacher that I have had is Ms. Mullin she was my high school math teacher. She set me up with the tools for learnings, and sparked the flame that got me to love and respect math. She even is the reason for why I plan on being a middle school math teacher.

  5. My most memorable teacher has been my history teacher from high school, Mr. Stanman. He was so cool, always making weird jokes that we never understood but always made sure we knew what he was talking about when it came to the material he was teaching. He taught so that we would raise questions and want to know more. He is old and weird and retired but he is my favorite teacher.

  6. Dr. Texteria, one of my Sociology professors was most influential because she had strong views and was not afraid to express them, I don't know if professors are suppose to do that but I found it inspiring even when i didn't agree with her I found myself developing my own sense of self in her classroom and not feeling bad for having my own mind and views about all issues in life.

  7. I have met a few teachers who have been memorable to me in one way or another, but I would have to say that my 2nd grade teacher is my favorite. She always presents material in a variety of different ways the ensured that each student got the material and understood it. She also built a classroom where the students felt safe. I hope to be a teacher with some of the qualities she has in the future.

  8. My 12th grade English teacher, Mr. Rowan, made a big impact on my life. He not only helped me with my school work, but also was there to help me with things outside of school. I think that he went out of his way to help me, which I appreciate.

  9. One of my favorite professors was my Multicultural Communication professor, Dr. Cargile. He was hilarious and had the best stories. He traveled the world and had a unique perspective on life.

  10. Mrs.Hoogeveen,
    She cared about my personal growth just as much as my academic growth and health.

  11. There have been so many, honestly, from elementary to high school and college. But the one that sticks out most was a linguistics teacher I had on campus...actually I've taken, including this Fall semester, six classes with her. I really like linguistics so it's no surprise that I enjoy what she teachers; but I also really like the way she'll bring current events into the classroom. She's a professor that really challenges you and makes you think. She doesn't care what your stance is on issues--she just encourages you to have one. And that is something I really admire and respect.

  12. My favorite teacher was my 12th grade history teacher, he talked me into applying for college and ended up making a huge impact on my life. He is also one of the reasons I want to teach history!

  13. My favorite teacher was my history professor, Mrs. Smith. She is the one who led me to become a history teacher. She made history interesting by telling it as a story and related it to present circumstances. She showed that history has made sides to the story and how to interpret the information.

  14. My fifth grad Teacher Mr. Lion. He was a science teacher, so we were constantly taking field trips to preserves. Also, my third grad teacher Ms. Bagwell she was really into music so she took our class to the San Diego Symphony to get some culture.

  15. My favorite teacher has to be my 9th grade english teacher. Really nice person and made things very easy for everyone.

  16. My favorite teacher would have to be Mrs. Summers that I had in 3rd grade. That was the first year of school that I really have vivid memories of first going to school and they are all good ones. She was just a very fun loving teacher that made everyday at school fun. Awesome lady.

  17. My most memorable teacher would definitely be my Coach for pole vault and PE. He has and still is very influential to me. when i have problems i know that i can always go to him talk talk it out and discuss coaching tactics and how to run a team and many other things. He has always been a very good role model for me and is still my friend to today.

  18. My favorite teacher would have to be from Kindergarten, Mrs. Merald, because she was very kind and you could tell that she loved what she was doing.

  19. My most favorite and memorable would have to be my fifth grade teacher. She pushed me to strive for the highest goals and standards that I could endevoure. She also saw and made me aware that I had potential to do well in my studies. I owe alot to her, without her pushing me to do my best I don't think I would be here today.

  20. Mrs. Klinkenberg! She was my fifth grade teacher and she was the best. She did a great job of relating to the students in her class by using those dual-response journals. Everyone felt like they 'knew' her. I also liked how she took us outside a lot during lessons. She didn't skimp on the content, but she delivered it in some very creative ways. I still email her every once in a while. :)

  21. My most memorable teacher would be Mr. Verga. He was so good with us as students and made everyone feel welcomed. He was able to bring everyone together to make a very fun and successful class. He made the classroom risk free and encouraged everyone to participate even if you looked stupid doing so.

  22. My high school junior year history teacher, Mr. Domingo. He was a old-school style disciplinarian, and while most students were put off by that, he turned my interest in history into something more serious.

  23. One of my most memorable teachers was Dr. Killpatrick, my calculus teacher my first semester of college. He was an amazingly strange man but he loved math. There is no way I would have passed that class without him. I also was a volleyball player at my previous university and he came to every home game and some of our play off matches to show support. He was a very memorable man.

  24. My most memorable teacher was my 11th grade English teacher. She was my favorite teacher because she was really funny. But most importantly, she was always there to help me. I really enjoyed her classes, since I knew she cared about her students. She made me enjoy English literature. Awesome class and teacher!

  25. I have three most memorable teachers. My third grade teacher was the very first teacher to look beyond my socioeconomic status and see all the academic potential I had.She incorporated a lot of theater arts and cultural projects which gave me the opportunity to learn about those things and have access to those experiences. The amount of books she introduced me to really helped cultivate my love for reading. My eighth grade math/science/dance teacher was the very first teacher to notice that I actually could do math. Prior to that year all teachers told me that math was my weakness and that it was ok to be bad at math. Mrs. Toth told me something different, she said I needed to stop making excuses for my low performance in math and just put more effort into the subject. At that point I realized even though math is more difficult for me, I can still do well as long as I work hard. Mrs. Bickerton, my Child Development Careers teacher (11th and 12th grade) taught me everything about becoming a teacher. Before I took her class I was already 100 percent sure I wanted to be a teacher and she encouraged me and motivated my interest in the profession 100 times more. She is a mentor that I still go to for advice about my potential career as a teacher.

  26. My most memorable teacher is Ms. Park, she was my Spanish teacher in high school and the one who inspired me to study to become a Spanish teacher. She made Spanish fun with innovative ideas and projects, such as making our own radio station and recording them in cassettes and presenting them to the classroom. Also she would play a different song every week and we would sing along to it as a classroom, many of my favorite bands now I from the ones she used to play in the classroom.

  27. I have had a significant number of memorable teachers both for the better and for the worse. They have impacted me on what I want to be like as a future teacher and what I want to stay away from. Once I complete this class you will be added to my list of most memorable teachers from this university (the best ones of course). This is because I have learned more about technology in this class than in all my life put together. I have not only learned massive amounts of new information but you have also made it fun and interesting to learn. This class has provided me with a wealth of information and so many resources that I can use a future educator. So thank you professor for being a teacher that makes learning fun.

  28. One of my favorite teachers has been Mrs. Dooley from my 12th grade Calculus class because she was very committed and passionate about helping her students succeed in school.

  29. Her name was Ms. Shick. She was and IS very cool teacher and person. She always motivated me to go to college and to try hard in school. In other words she always believed in me! AND in my super powers. To this date I still talk to her.

  30. Mr. Brent
    He always motivated me to never give up.
