Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 5: SDG&E Ate my Homework!

Candle Light
Originally uploaded by Ian Lambert
Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but it's true.  I had to go to L.A. yesterday to meet with a friend who is helping me with a website.  I drove home around 4 thinking that I would have plenty of time to grade the newsletters and write this post.  However, upon my return home, I walked into a dark house dimly lit by random candles. . .The power was out.  It did not come back on until around 10:45 p.m., at which time I was too tired and hot to do anything. . .but I am working furiously to get the newsletters graded by class this evening.

Hopefully, everyone was able to add some tasty bookmarks to Delicious. . .It is always fun when technology goes south in the middle of class. . .I have taught Delicious @ CSUSM for around 5 years and this was the first time that the plug-ins disabled the shortcut. . .I could say that I was modeling for you how to deal with adversity in the classroom, but that would be a lie ;-)

This week:  I want to get into the discussion of Google Docs and Spreadsheets and how they relate to your writing of your NETS narratives.  You will make small groups to collaboratively write your first narrative using Google Docs. I also want to show you how to begin to embed your assignments on your blog as part of the emerging technology assignment due at the end of the course. Somebody remind me to show you how to do pages on your blog. . .and how to put your Delicious tagrolls on a page!!

Journal 4: "Computing in the Clouds," by Doug Johnson from the Dec/Jan 09/10 issue of L&L.  I think this is a good time to introduce the concept of cloud computing.  You should be familiar with some of the concepts and tools Johnson introduces.

This Week's Question: To whom or what do you attribute your educational success. . .by the fact that you are all here, you have had educational success.  I want to know your "secret". . .


  1. Being a successful student did not come easy when I was younger. So I as I got older I found maturity and wisdom have contributed to becoming a successful student. Along with that I also have a very supportive and encouraging family, especially my husband who has been a great source of strength and my children, who are 19, 17, and 13 challenge me everyday to do my best. If I hold high expectations for them they expect the same from me.

  2. I attribute all of my success 100% to my parents. Education was always viewed as a priority and it was stressed to succeed. It being important to my parents made it important to me, particularly because I wanted to make them proud. My parents have always supported me in anything and everything that I have chosen to do. Because of their support and encouragement i think i have been as successful as I am today.

  3. Getting my BA in Communication and working towards my MA in Speech Pathology. Education has become more important to me as I've gotten older. Once I realized I the value in education is when I truly became motivated to succeed. I also have great support system from my family and friends, which pushes me that much more.

  4. Diligence, along with the desire to succeed and not wanting to become stale. A lot of my direction came from My family, they are a big support also.

  5. My parents taught me to work hard because nothing in life worth having comes easy. I also think my success in education has come with my commitment to get my degree. I like to set goals for myself and becoming a teacher is one of my goals so school is just one of the obstacles.

  6. My mom has always been supportive of me and my sisters continuing our education no matter what field we want to go into, I always wanted to do well and graduate college for myself but her support made it that much easier and there was never a question in my mind that I couldn't do it because of her encouragement.

  7. I have my boyfriend to thank for motivating me to do well in college. When I met him I was constantly slacking off and ditching class. I was living with 3 friends so it always much more fun to go home. Obviously I had to do a lot of work to get such good grades, but he definitely helped.

  8. My educational success is a direct result of my teachers throughout my life that have given me the tools to be able to achieve the next level of education with ease.

  9. I would have to say that I would attribute my educational success to my parents and as well as my sisters. They motivate and encourage me to do well in school and also to set high standards. One of my older sisters has graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and I want to add to that. Over the years in my academic career I have found that Education is a valuable asset and or freedom that we are given here in the United States. That said, I value education and I want to continue on succeeding in all of my classes and as well as in my future classes.

  10. I have a couple of things. My parents have always been supportive in a "not going to college is not an option" way. So they have always financially supported me. My grandparents (in Idaho) don't really think college is for girls so they are against it so I do it to bug them. And then there is a sibling rivalry. My brother and sister both graduated from college and my sister went on to get a masters in nursing. She loves being the only one with a masters so I have to get even some day. Other than that its a personal choice. I grew up with a stay at home mom who at times is so bored outta her mind because she doesn't have a college degree or a job and I never want to be in her situation. I also like to think that if I ever have to I can be completely independent financially and be able to support whatever family I may have one day. So, yeah, there are a lot of reasons.

  11. My parents have always emphasized the importance of education. I am really happy that I have supportive parents. Anything I needed for school, they would give to me no matter the cost. Also, my mom would always make sure I had something in my stomach. I would be doing all nighters and she would bring me something to eat. How sweet.

  12. To be honest when I was younger I never thought I would attend college (being raised by a single mom). It wasn't until I had my daughter and found myself saying that I didn't want to be stuck with the same old pay and same old boring job when she is older, so I made that step to go to college. I won't lie having children and going to school is not easy but I just have to remind myself that I am doing this for not just myself but my family. I guess it helps too that I will be the only one to attend college and finish between me and all my cousins.

  13. I would have to blame my educational success on my crazy sisters, since i am the oldest i have to do well i have to set the standard. my older brother dropped out tenth grade so i was the first to graduate high school and i plan to be the first to do everything so that my sisters will be motivated to do more! do better! and achieve more educational success then i already have.

  14. I have had couple of people to thank. I grew up in the bad part of Vista as a young kid, and I was highly involved with the wrong group. My english teacher in middle school believe in me very much as well as my 9th grade english teacher. So having positive people in my life and working hard has made me a success so far.

  15. I dont really have a secret... My thing is to just keep plugging away at school and never give up. I have gone through some rough patches with school and it almost got the best of me. I have a lot of people around me who support me and believe in me so its all good :)

  16. My parents have been a huge support in my success in education. Having not gone to college themselves, they really emphasized the importance of education. They are really supportive and listen to my woes and help motivate me to succeed.

  17. There are many factors that contribute to my success in any aspect of my life. Primarily, I give God the glory for my education success... There have been times when I thought I wasn't going to be able to pay for my tuition, or times when I thought I wouldn't have enough time to finish an assignment...somehow when I put my trust in Him I'm always successful!
    My parents and family are also a big part of my success, they have always provided and supported anything I dream for and of!

  18. I can say that my super powers, have enabled to be independent for most of my life. The fact that I am in college is due to my hard work and desire to be here. Another important fact were my parents.

  19. My success as a student comes from the fact that I will be the first college graduate in my family. Since my accident six years ago, I have had to prove a lot to myself and others. I've had to prove that I could improve mentally and physically. After the accident, the doctors told my parents that I would have brain damage as well as physical damage. That is one reason I want to be a teacher. I ant to teach kids that they can do anything if they don't give up.

  20. A lot of my motivation has come the realization that education prepares me for a career. Without a bachelor's degree (and at this point, some further schooling like a credential or master's) I would not be qualified for the type of career that I want to pursue. It's a simple reason, but it's worked so far! :)

  21. There are a lot of reasons I have been successful in my educational pursuits. My dad encouraged me to go to college and become an elementary school teacher since I was in the first grade and my mom was reading books to me since she was first pregnant with me. My mom and dad both come from poor working class backgrounds and didn't have the option of education. They both had to drop out of school really early to work and help out at home. My parents made it clear to me that it was wise to take advantage of the opportunity to earn a professional degree. My desire to be financially independent and have financial peace of mind at an early age has also been two major factors in my success.And one more attributing factor to my educational success is my desire to raise a family with the best possible financial circumstances and to be a role model to my future children.

  22. I attribute my educational success to my parents, because they have been a great support system, as well as encouraging me to do my best in school. I would also say one my cousin attributed to my educational success as well because,he taught me that anything is possible by going to Harvard University, and inspired me to go to college.

  23. I will always be grateful that my mom was very persistent that I continue my education, because of her persistence I have made it this far and I will continue to go further, for me and to keep thanking her for all her help.

  24. I attribute my educational success to both of my parents. From my dad, I learned to be determined and responsible in whatever I do. From my mom, I learned that in order to succeed I have to overcome obstacles and never give up. Both of my parents have encouraged me to get an education. My family has taught me that education is very important.
    Family is my secret.jajajajajaj

  25. I would have to say my educational success comes from my parents and my oldest brother. My parents did not finish college and my big brother was the first in my family to graduate from college. These thing are what motivate me. That and that I played baseball and was force to always have at least a 3.0 GPA to play.

  26. I attribute my educational success to God because he put many people in my life that influenced,helped,motivated,and inspired me to move on. He has given me the strenght and perseverance to keep on going despite all obstacles.

  27. I attribute my educational success to my older brother and parents. My parents because they have always support me and motivate me to complete my goals. However, my brother has given me more than motivation. He leads me and shows me step by step how to deal with issues and goals.

  28. I did everything myself. I've always believed in self-reliance as a way to get through with my assignments. If I succeed or fail I will do it on my own terms.
