Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 3: Fall-ing into Place?

Wordle: Zoe
By now, I hope that everyone has settled in with the Macs, the pace of the course, and how to successfully navigate Moodle (Cougar Courses).  And there was also the issue of getting registered for ISTE and TaskStream. . .The picture this week was completed by my daughter, Zoe, who was tasked to do an "about me" in her 5th grade class.  She chose to do a Wordle, which included key words representing who she is, what she likes and doesn't like. . . I couldn't help but include it this week.

I have graded all of the Intro Letters that were submitted.  If you submitted it but didn't receive a grade, check for my comments and you will have instructions as to what you need to do to complete the project.  Don't forget that you should have either already scanned a self-portrait (or a portrait drawn by someone else), or you will be bringing your drawing to scan at school.  I should be in the PC lab in SCI II before class if anyone needs help scanning.

This week:  I want to discuss TaskStream and we will begin the Newsletter.  I believe we should also have time to take a look at Google Docs and maybe even discuss a technology self-assessment. . .

Journal 2: Is from the June/July 2010 Issue of L&L.  There are actually 2 short articles relating to Twitter.  "Join the Flock!" by Hadley Ferguson and "Enhance Your Twitter Experience," by Shannon McClintock Miller.  Hopefully, after our Twitter discussion last week, these should serve as some background and depth on the topic of Twitter in education.

This Week's Question:  What has been the best class/course you have taken in high school or college and why?


  1. One of my favorite classes in college was strangely enough ling 100. It was one of the most abstract ways of thinking about the English language and yet it completely made sense to me. I am not anywhere near be an English major, I have horrible grammar and such but for some reason linguistics was easy for me. Linguistics was almost a mathematical approach to English, for me at least. I had professor Ahlers and she was absolutely amazing. She had office hours and responded to email almost instantly it seemed. It was a very fun class and definitely boosted my self-esteem a bit.

  2. My favorite classes ever were Sociology classes on Gender issues and marriage and family, I had the same prof. for both and she gave me a whole new outlook on how to view the world around me and broke down a lot of stereotypes and showed why it is not always neccesary to follow the 'norms' of society

  3. One of my most memorable and favorite college classes I have taken is the Biology of Human Reproduction. Now this isn't my favorite just because of the subject material, but also due to how the class was taught. Professor Tom Spady was my instructor and he did a great job of helping us learn the material, not just memorize it. Due to the nature of the material, he made our participation points fun, like yelling out the names of reproductive organs for example. He was also always willing to help students after class, or re-teach confusing parts.

  4. Wow, it is so hard to pick! I took a really interesting U.S. history course here at the university that taught "what the textbooks leave out". For example, you always hear about the pilgrims and the indians and how everyone got together on the first thanksgiving and ate turkey, when in reality that's backwards. It certainly focused on all of our great accomplishments as a nation but incorporated events and trends that were taught very little or never at all. It basically exposed all the things that the textbook writers for elementary, middle, and high school level books "leave out". It wasn't all freedom and equality for all, even though that's what were taught.

  5. The best course that I have taken so far would have to be Anatomy and Physiology just because I learned so much from taking those two courses. If the HUMAN BODY doesn't trip you out, you're CRAZY.

  6. My best course that I have taken in college is World History. I really found the topics that we covered to be interesting. Most of all I enjoyed the way that my Professor had us think. She had us put our own interpertation on particular topics. I especially enjoyed her lecture on the Egyptians, she made me think in a whole different way then what I am accustomed to.

  7. The best class i've taken in college was a physiology class. Science is not one of my stong points so I dont really like it but that class was very interesting.

  8. The best class i have taken has to be here in the education program with Mr. Valadez... he was awsome teaching us the ways of the classroom.

  9. Best Course would have to be the one I was kicked out of every week for talking:) hahahaha BIO 336. Easyyyy like no other sooo much fun!

  10. I have enjoyed many of my college classes, however, my most favorite classes were my literature classes. I was not very excited about literature until I had a great professor at Palomar by the name of Deborah Pas de Barros. She opened up a new world to me and I have actual chosen Lit and Writing as my breadth of study.

  11. The best course I've taken would have to be borders and regions 100. It had to do with immigration and how it affects education, but I felt that we discussed so much more in class and the whole class participated no one was scared to speak up. It was one of those classes where everyone in the class didn't want to leave when the time was up.

  12. My best class I have taken so far was Body and Identity. We talked about so many different subjects, and that's all we did talk. it wasn't boring.

  13. By far, my favorite class in high school was Child Development Careers because it included an internship along with the book work. It was my very first experience working with children and I learned so much in that one year. I love classes that involve experience and knowledge!

  14. The best class I have taken in high school was photography. It was really interesting to learn about lighting angles and how it affects the pictures.

  15. I would say that the class I have enjoyed was my Ling 100. I found it very interesting and it made me look at the English language from a different point of view.

  16. the best class i took in high school was track and field PE. because i got to do what i love, pole vault. when i wasnt pole vaulting we were all sleeping/tanning on the pit. sometimes we would order pizza and have it delivered on LAB classes. It was amazing.

  17. My very first semester at Palomar, I had to fill in a spot last minute and took a nutrition class. It was by far the best class I have ever taken. I took the class six years ago, and I still remember the material and use it in my everyday life.

  18. Japanese Radical Cinema, it was radical!

  19. The best class I have taken in college was actually Psychology 101. I enjoyed the Professor and got an A in the class. Also, I was able to understand the concepts because at the time I was working as a teacher's assistant and it was cool seeing what I was learning related to the kids I worked with.

  20. One of the best courses that I have taken, was a child development course, because the class was really interesting to me, but also because of the teacher being very helpful.

  21. One of my favorite classes I've taken is Public Speaking. It is a class most people dread; however I had the best professor who made all the difference. Being a Communication major I had to give presentations in almost every class and that class helped me tremendously.

  22. One of the best classes I took in college was bowling. We went to a bowling alley once a week and played three games with our bowling teams. Fortunately we weren't graded based on our bowling scores, because I am a terrible bowler, but it was a lot of fun.

  23. The best course that I took was a child development course. It was a fun and interesting class. What I loved best was volunteering my services at a local kindergarten or elementary school and observing how children learn.

  24. Math is my favorite subject,but it was not my favorite class because there was too many homework. That is why when I was in high school my favorite class was wood-shop. I learned how to build tables, cabinets and a lot more things.At the end I was really proud because my cabinet got a first place in a wood projects fair.

  25. By far, my favorite class taken has been Sociology 417. I could really relate to this course because of family issues that I had through out my childhood. This is one of the few courses that I actually enjoyed the reading every week. It's a lot of work, but I totally recommend it for an elective. It's touching, engaging, and a great learning experience.

  26. My favorite class was HIST364B. CSUSM doesn't offer it anymore because they couldn't afford the professor after the budget cuts but! It was a History course about the Civil War. Taking a class that focused on something specific was really interesting. I can pretty much tell you ANYTHING you want to know about the Civil War and it could be useful to me if I end up teaching History in middle schools. :)

  27. My favorite classes in High School was photography class. We learned how to develop film and print pictures in a dark room. I really enjoyed that class because we had a lot of freedom to take pictures and be creative with our prints. I still love photography but now I am learning digital photography.

  28. The best class I took in High School was "Foods and Nutrition". This is because I not only learned how to prepare food but also got to eat it.

  29. I think that the best class(es) I have ever taken are spanish courses because I believe that language is a big part of our culture and society today. I am now able to communicate with spanish speakers at my work place which has been a great benefit! :)

  30. The best class I have taken in college is WMST because I thought it was going to be all about women. But, I was wrong. This class helps students to see many things about society: norms, rules, privileges, etc. I learned about white privileged, and discussed how men are over-privileged too. So, it is a great class to discuss important topics affecting society.

  31. The best class I've ever taken was in college. It was a class i was already interested in taking it was class Society in Modern Europe and it focused on the Rise of Fascism and Totalitarianism in Europe. The books I read for the class were the best books I've read for any class.
